Executive Advising

I am currently accepting executive clients – specifically those who lead a business unit, and those who are second-in-commands. If you are looking for a breakthrough in your mindset, and are interested in elevating those around you, get in touch with me to arrange a conversation about how to proceed. Keep reading for more details:


  • You are building a team and processes to ensure growth;
  • You need to elevate your second-in-command so that you can focus on doing what you do best;
  • You have a team of people under your leadership that need to be on the same page, so that there are no roadblocks to personal and business growth; and
  • You want to start each day knowing who you are and understanding what you can and cannot do, and you want to help your team toward the same level of awareness.


  • Credentials: advanced training and experience in leadership, human behavior, and organizational development; and, I strive to be on the cutting edge of the latest approaches in these areas;
  • Values: my advising is values-based – trust, authenticity, improvement, peace of mind – and I believe that great things are accomplished through meaningful relationships;
  • Personal: I offer a “no cookie-cutter” and custom approach to growth and development based on your needs and circumstances;
  • Improvement: we start with a baseline of where you are at currently, identify where you want/need to be, and then establish ongoing milestones to measure progress and success; and
  • Access: you can rely on me for regular – weekly or unlimited – interaction, and we can connect remotely or in person depending on your schedule and location.


  • Understand how to be an effective leader, generally and in your context;
  • Understand how to foster leadership competence across your entire team;
  • Discover what’s missing that, once found, will propel you and your team to tremendous growth;
  • Improve self-confidence and effectiveness with decisions, conflict, and communication;
  • Remove yourself as a roadblock to growth, and learn to trust your team and let go of “all the things;” and
  • Develop a healthy perspective on being effective at work and at home.